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Dating Abuse:
Understanding Dating Abuse
Who Is At Risk

Warning Signs:
Am I at Risk?
Is My Friend a Victim?
Is My Teen in Danger?

Abuse, Power, and Control:
The Power & Control Wheel
The Cycle of Abuse

Breaking Free:
Escaping Bad Relationships
Getting Yourself Out
Assisting a Friend
Helping Your Teen

Get Help:
Additional Resources


Leaving an abusive relationship is not as easy as it may seem, for there are many stages that one will encounter.

The very first step is to realize that one is inside of a violent dating relationship. Although every situation is different, if the victim believes that they are in an unhealthy relationship then they most likely are. This is when he/she should trust their instincts.

Once the realization is there that this relationship is abusive, the victim should look towards wanting to leave. Since this is the most vulnerable time (when the victim chooses to leave because the abuser will get angry) victims should only contemplate leaving their relationship when they are fully ready and willing to do so. The desire should also be built for the actual process of leaving an abusive relationship.

The third stage is getting ready to actually leave the relationship. This is the time when the victim should begin to build a safety net of friends and family. With family and friends by their side it will make the process of leaving the relationship seem easier and so they know they are surrounded by people who love them.

The fourth step is the actual process of leaving the relationship. This step is undoubtedly the hardest of all the stages. But remember that it can be done. Also remind yourself that you are not alone. You should be proud of yourself for making this far.

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