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Where is TEAR located?
TEAR is located in New Jersey, although TEAR is willing to travel to do presentations and participate in other events.
Are there any restrictions on size or age of the group that TEAR will present to?
There are no restrictions on the size of the group. We present to groups of all sizes. TEAR has previously presented to groups as small as 5 people and as large as 300. However, there are a few restrictions on age. Due to the content of our presentation we do not present to children under the age of 12.
Are there any presentations geared towards parents?
Yes, we often present to parents and adults about teen dating violence. These presentations may include topics such as the differences between domestic violence and teen dating violence, the warning signs to watch for in a teenage victim, and other helpful information. All of our presentations are geared towards our audience.
Does TEAR only present to females?
No, we present to females and males of all races, religions, and sexual orientations. TEAR does not discriminate.
Can TEAR alter the content of the presentation to fit the needs of the group?
Yes, we are more than willing to work with you to fit the needs of our audience.
Does TEAR charge?
TEAR does charge for our services, as well as for travel and expenses that may be incurred. Traveling far distances can be difficult without travel and lodging (if need be) accomodations.
Please mail your payments to the following address:
TEAR: Teens Experiencing Abusive Relationships
PO Box 6685
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Does TEAR need any equipment for presentations?
Usually we use an overhead projector for our presentations. Please let us know if one would be unavailable.