About TEAR:
Our Mission
Why Teens Need Us
Request a Presentation
TEAR Curriculum
TEAR Members
Dating Abuse:
Understanding Dating Abuse
Who Is At Risk
Warning Signs:
Am I at Risk?
Is My Friend a Victim?
Is My Teen in Danger?
Abuse, Power, and Control:
The Power & Control Wheel
The Cycle of Abuse
Breaking Free:
Escaping Bad Relationships
Getting Yourself Out
Assisting a Friend
Helping Your Teen
Get Help:
Additional Resources
Is My Teen in Danger?
Has your teen...
- Showed a loss of concentration?
- Shown signs of being afraid to upset their partner?
- Spent excessive amounts of time in contact with their partner?
- Lost contact with other friends?
- Been constantly fighting with their partner?
- Changed their behavior and/or appearance?
- Had unexplained injuries?
- Not been enjoying activities that he/she used to enjoy?
- Become more aggravated and/or less independent?
- Seemed persistent to be home at certain times to receive/make phone calls?
- Seemed withdrawn from what is going on around him or her?
- Told you about or have you been a witness to their partner calling them names, embarrassing them, or putting them down in front of others?
If you said yes to two or more of these questions, your teen may be in an abusive relationship. Please refer to Helping Your Teen for tips on the best way to help your teen through this experience.